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Program Manuals and Terms of Use

Document Description Project/Account Phase Privilege
Confirmation Manual

Confirmation Training Requirements (April 19, 2023)

The Confirmation Manual details the requirements of the confirmation process, including the requirements for conducting confirmation (like accreditation and training), conflict of interest and confidentiality provisions, and the core confirmation activities expected under Climate Forward. General Public
Forecast Methodology Approval Manual A document that summarizes the overall policies and procedures related to the scoping, development, and review of Forecast Methodologies under Climate Forward. General Public
Program Manual

2023 Policy Memo Revisions

The Climate Forward Program Manual summarizes the overarching principles, general project accounting guidelines, and rules and procedures for approving methodologies, registering projects, and creating FMUs.

The Program Manual was most recently revised in 2021. A public comment period was held from July 19 – August 16, 2021. View the Summary of Changes (December 2021)

General Public
Terms of Use These Terms of Use set out the terms by which the Climate Action Reserve has agreed to provide the User with access to use the Climate Forward Program and registry software. General Public

Program and Project Forms

Document Description Project/Account Phase Privilege
Attestation of Legal Additionality All project proponents must submit a signed Attestation of Legal Additionality form that confirms the mitigation project activity was not required by any law, statute, rule, regulation or other legally binding mandate by any national, regional, state, local or other governmental or regulatory agency having jurisdiction over the project. During confirmation Public
Attestation of Regulatory Compliance This form confirms the mitigation project has implemented measures to address the risks of regulatory non-compliance identified in the forecast methodology associated with initial and ongoing project implementation. In addition, the form attests that the project is and will be in material compliance with all applicable laws, including environmental regulations, during the crediting period. The form also confirms that the project proponent has disclosed to their confirmation body in writing any and all instances of non-compliance of the project with any law. During confirmation Public
Attestation of Title A statement that the project proponent has title to the project reductions. The entity that has signed this form should be the account holder on the Climate Forward registry. During confirmation Public
Confirmation Statement The official confirmation and final statement of findings, detailing the number of FMUs issued, the vintages (if more than one) and the standard used to confirm FMUs. Confirmation Public
Designation of Authority Form This form allows an account holder agent to obtain information about an account that they do not hold. This form is signed by both the account holder and account holder agent. Account Approval/Otherwise Requested Private
Forecast Methodology Assessment Agreement Form An agreement that must be completed and signed by the forecast methodology developer and the Reserve. The agreement grants the Reserve title and license to use and amend the methodology once it is submitted to the Reserve. The agreement also indemnifies the Reserve and releases it of all liability. Prior to Forecast Methodology submittal Private
Forecast Methodology Screening Form A form that must be completed for each proposed forecast methodology that describes the project activity and how the methodology intends to meet Climate Forward requirements. Prior to Forecast Methodology development Private
Forecast Methodology Template A template that methodology developers must use once the Forecast Methodology Screening Form has been reviewed and approved by the Reserve. The form provides guidance to methodology developers and streamlines the Reserve’s review process. Forecast Methodology development Public
Notification of Confirmation Activity and Conflict of Interest (NOCA/COI) Form A form detailing the scope and plan for confirmation activities and the relationship between a confirmation body and project proponent, in order for the Reserve to determine conflict of interest. This form must be submitted by the Confirmation Body to the Reserve at least 10 business days before the start of confirmation activities. Prior to confirmation Private
Project Implementation Report Form (Please refer to the methodology being used for methodology-specific Project Implementation Report requirements.) A form prepared by the project proponent that must, at a minimum, include a summary of project information, input data, estimation summaries, continued implementation measures, as well as Project Resilience Measures. The report must be submitted to both the confirmation team, and the Reserve. Prior to confirmation Private
Project Submittal Form A form that project proponents must submit under an existing forecast methodology. This form cannot be used if the forecast methodology has not already gone through the review and approval of both the forecast methodology screening form and the forecast methodology template. This form must be submitted for every project.

There are methodology-specific submittal forms for Reforestation projects, Reducing Emissions from Megafires (REM) projects, and Pool Cover projects. Please visit the respective methodology page to download the appropriate forms for these methodologies:

Project development Public