Climate Forward Confirmation Manual
The Climate Forward Confirmation Manual provides confirmation bodies with insight into the confirmation process, the requirements for conducting confirmation (like accreditation and training), conflict of interest and confidentiality provisions, and the core confirmation activities expected under Climate Forward.
Climate Forward Confirmation Manual (Version 1.0, November 2018)
Confirmation Documents and Reference
All confirmation bodies under Climate Forward are required to submit the following documents for each mitigation project:
- NOTIFICATION OF CONFIRMATION ACTIVITIES AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST (NOCA/COI) FORM (PRIVATE DOCUMENT) – This document details the scope and plan for confirmation activities and the relationship between a confirmation body and project proponent, in order for the Reserve to determine conflict of interest. This form must be submitted by the Confirmation Body to the Reserve at least 10 business days before the start of confirmation activities.
- CONFIRMATION REPORT (PUBLIC DOCUMENT) – This report must contain a summary of confirmation activities, a list of the GHG emissions sources identified within the project boundary, a description of the sampling techniques, and a risk assessment of the processes and reported results. The risk assessment forms the basis of the confirmation statement.
- LIST OF FINDINGS (PRIVATE DOCUMENT) – This document accompanies the confirmation report and must contain all material and immaterial findings identified during confirmation activities, any recommended corrective actions, and resolutions to material issues. The List of Findings is shared only with the project developer and the Reserve.
- CONFIRMATION STATEMENT (PUBLIC DOCUMENT) – This document officially confirms the estimated GHG emission reductions/removals and the verification standard.
In addition, each confirmation body must annually submit a Verification Policies Acknowledgement and Agreement form to the Reserve Administrator at [email protected]. This form must be updated to reflect any substantial personnel changes. The Verification Policies Acknowledgement and Agreement form ensures that personnel performing confirmation activities are notified to the Climate Action Reserve and are aware of the roles and responsibilities under the program. All personnel undertaking verification activities must be listed on this form as designated staff and the form must be signed by a duly authorized representative of the confirmation body. To list additional staff, please use the Verification Staff Reporting Form Extra Tables.