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Mature Forest Management



Document/Tool Date Description
Mature Forest Management Forecast Methodology v1.0 March 24, 2020 This methodology addresses carbon enhancements (sequestration) associated with management of older forests.

Methodology summary

MFM Assessment Area Data File V1.0 March 24, 2020 The Assessment Area Data File provides data to calibrate methodology requirements to projects based on the forest communities in which the project is located.
MFM Calculation Worksheet March 2021 The MFM Calculation Worksheet is a Microsoft Excel tool for inputting project data and calculating project-related data, including FMUs. It is designed to help mature forest management project developers organize their project data and facilitate confirmation. A copy of the tool is required as part of project reporting.
MFM Conservation Easement Screening Form June 1, 2021 The Conservation Easement Screening Form provides Project Proponents with a  list of methodological requirements for the conservation easement and space to communicate with the Reserve how the easement satisfies each requirement. It is intended to be used for project listing.
Mature Forest Management Project Implementation Report December 1, 2020 This report is prepared by the project proponent and must be submitted to both the confirmation team and the Reserve.
Assessment Area Data (links to webpage under the Climate Action Reserve’s US Forest Protocol; use the latest batch file) The Assessment Area Data File provides data to calibrate methodology requirements to projects based on the forest communities in which the project is located.
Biomass Equations (links to webpage under the Climate Action Reserve’s US Forest Protocol) The biomass equations have been obtained from the United States Forest Service Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) National Program. The equations are the same equations used to generate the Common Practice estimate for each Assessment Area (by site class where applicable). Project Developers must use these same equations for their projects.
Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide for the Nationwide Forest Inventory The sampling requirements for location of the measurement of DBH follow the Forest Inventory and Analysis National Core Field Guide.
Supersection maps (links to webpage under the Climate Action Reserve’s US Forest Protocol) Project proponents determine the project area in part by consulting supersection maps produced by the USDA Forest Inventory and Analysis program to determine the project’s supersection(s).

Public Overview Webinar

The Reserve hosted a webinar to discuss the Climate Forward Mature Forest Management Forecast Methodology v1.0 on April 15, 2020.

Public Comments

The public comment period closed on December 20, 2019. Public comments received and staff responses to comments are available below.

Public Comment Webinar

The Reserve hosted a webinar to discuss the Mature Forest Management methodology in detail and to solicit public comment. The webinar presentation and recording are available below.

Presentation slides
Webinar recording


Please contact [email protected] with any questions about the methodology or methodology development process.